900€ promotion for your wallbox

900€ promotion for your wallbox

The Climate Protection Plan 2050 is ambitious: In 2030, Germany wants to emit 55% fewer greenhouse gases than in 1990. Electric cars can make an important contribution to this.


Do you already have an electric car? Would you like to buy one? It would be great if you could help our climate! You can take advantage of a variety of subsidies – for example, a government car purchase premium and a KfW grant for your own charging station.

JES Wallbox

KfW supports these measures

Buying the charging station

KfE subsidizes the purchase of a new charging station or wallbox. If your charging station has multiple charging points, you can receive a 900 euro subsidy for each charging point.


Important: Your charging station


  • Has exactly 11 kW of charging power – a stronger unit can be throttled back
  • can be intelligently controlled and communicate with other components of the power grid.


In addition, KfW subsidizes the cost of an energy management system to control the charging station.


Of course, installation work is also necessary in your garage or on the parking space. The costs for this are also subsidized by KfW.


For your charging station, you need 400 volts of heavy current, just like for a stove. KfW also supports the costs around the connection, for example for the electrical installation, the adjustment of the device and the material.

3 steps to the grant for charging stations for electric cars

Of course, you don’t have to look when which device needs to be tested, usually they are all tested on the same day and we know when to test again for you, thanks to our smart meters.

Only for charging stations that are used privately

Anyone who owns residential property, including condominium associations, can apply for the subsidy. Likewise tenants as well as landlords of residential property. The main thing is that your house is a residential building that is already occupied and your charging station is not publicly accessible.

Regulations for rental apartments and condominium associations

  • Tenants can also install a charging station; they then bear the costs themselves. However, landlords can refuse if they cannot reasonably be expected to make the structural changes.
  • As a WEG, you can decide collectively to install charging stations. The application is then made by your property management company or another person with power of attorney.
  • With the new Condominium Modernization Act (Wohnungseigentumsmodernisierungs-Gesetz), as of December 1, 2020, each owner is entitled to install a charging station at his or her own expense – however, a resolution of the WEG is required on the type of implementation.

Important for promotion:

The electricity for charging must come exclusively from renewable energy sources, such as from the energy supplier with a green electricity tariff or from the company’s own photovoltaic system.

Click here for funding:

Click here to go directly to the official website of KfW.


Follow the steps described there to get your funding.

Text: https://www.kfw.de/inlandsfoerderung/Privatpersonen/Bestehende-Immobilie/Ladestationen-f%C3%BCr-Elektroautos/

Image „KfW_Anleitung.png“: https://www.kfw.de/inlandsfoerderung/Privatpersonen/Bestehende-Immobilie/Zuschussportal/Online-Antrag-Ladestationen-f%C3%BCr-Elektroautos/

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